Current Exhibition

Pay Day (2021) by Lara Renaud

The final artistic prompt given in Sara Siestreem’s (Hanis Coos) Theory and Practice: Art and Social Justice class this past Fall 2021 at PNCA, students were asked to compose their own “love letter to the world.” A project aimed at elevating the issues facing marginalized groups today near to the their hearts that would also incorporate the use of the multi-use at the LAB, undergraduate student Lara Renaud created her animated text film, “Pay Day,” screening in the space throughout the month of December.

In “Pay Day,” Renaud shows us a simulation of her life; in the process, pointing to the steadily increasing cost of living in the United States and how difficult it can be to keep up with expenses, particularly when you are being paid minimum wage. Using animations of text depicting the artist’s inner thoughts–juxtaposed with images of objects such as an overwhelming pile of receipts, taxed wages, and new bills– she captures the anxiety-laced snowball effect of financial insecurity as a young person.

Still, Renaud does not shy away from her naming her own privileges, ones that those of us reading this may or may not share with her, such as simply having the opportunity to pursue higher education or being able to ask for help from family in times of emergencies. In doing so and allowing us glimpses of her real life, she affirms how difficult it can be for Gen. Z and Millennial people to carve out stability and upward mobility today, especially on their own.

By Vanessa Perez Winder