
Introducing Renn Simmons

I am a multidisciplinary artist, poet, activist, and researcher concerned with ecological and human systems, the impact of humxns on the natural environment and each other, and the threads that weave these complex ideas and experiences together. Using poetry, filmmaking and performance, experiential photography, ecological research, design thinking, and earth based sculpture work as mediums of expression, I traverse a variety of realms and spaces. I am dedicated to participating in the decolonization of systems and land use, restorative justice, and supporting the return of ecological systems back to their wildness. 

On any given day, I might simultaneously move between the identity of a spiritual contemplative, ecologist, artist, psychological researcher, performer, systems designer, explorer, philosopher, activist, or craftsperson–no practice in my world is any less potent or crucial in the healing work that is called for in  this critical time on our planet. 

My body of work has been propelled by 

the light and shadows

memories/present moment

cycles of pain/ trauma/death/coming home



And conversations  that 

soften hard edges; 

name the illusions we live within; 

explore and create solutions to healing our planet;

point to our interconnectedness; 

dream into the spaces between the grasses and under tree canopies; 

foster personal and systemic healing. 

I am a healer, a truth teller, a leader, a lover of connection, a seer and seeker, an image creator, a weaver of nearly invisible threads that ever so gently sew themselves through the light. 

Visit me on Social Media: Instagram Renn Simmons